
July 10, 2014 07:09 pm Compassion: 42   

I apologise to the tenants at 142 for delays. I forgive Mohamed for shouting and being rude to me; he was coming from a pain or fear perspective which I will not accept as part of my energy field. I forgive Estralia and Gloria for being insincere.

June 30, 2014 07:03 pm Compassion: 48   

I apologize to my girls for not being conscious to select a father for them who would nurture and care for their feelings, deeply nourishing their young spirits with love and expressions of love. I apologize to myself for all the judgement around this, for continuing this legacy of abandonment and lack. I apologize for all judgement that I have in my mind on a daily basis, how I feel the burden of providing and being responsible financially for all the people around me. I apologize to myself for feelings of never being or having enough and all the weight I carry as a result, all the pressure, all the heaviness on my shoulders and neck for having to financially take care of everyone. Not being enough, I am sorry to me. I am sorry to my girls for modeling this. I release all of this heavy judgement now.

June 18, 2014 03:22 pm Compassion: 48   

I apologize to my parents for my youthful lack of sensitivity. My heart is recently aching for how I hurt them. Now that my son is growing older I understand their suffering. Please forgive my ignorance. Wherever your souls live now I send you love. I am struggling with so much pain in my heart to forgive myself.

June 15, 2014 05:50 pm Compassion: 47   

I'm apologize for not being able to say the things that were always in my heart, and being afraid to do so.I apologize if my children are disappointed in me as their mother.I apologize to my body for mistreating it, and working it too hard.I apologize to my body to try to rid myself of it.I'm sorry I couldn't give my girls a better life.May I be forgiven.

June 13, 2014 02:57 pm Compassion: 51   

I am sorry for not believing in myself, for falling into the cracks that the circumstances of my life created,i am sorry for believing that i can not change my life. i am sorry for not rising above them when i know i have the power to do so. i am sorry i am writing this message instead of using my voice to make changes in my life. i am sorry for not trusting my instinct and rushing into situations. i am sorry that i do not value myself.

June 10, 2014 05:03 pm Compassion: 48   

I am sorry for doing embarrassing childish things. I am sorry for violence.

June 4, 2014 09:23 pm Compassion: 47   

I apologize for not recognizing and acting on my own brilliance and loving compassion, for playing small, for denying the many people and things of nature from benefitting from an expanded use of my loving vibration. I apologize for not asserting myself as a young woman, for acquiescing, "rolling over" in essence without speaking my truth earlier. I apologize to M, for not really taking in how much I did for her, recognizing apparently only what I didn't /couldn't do for her. I apologize to my other grown children for not being more aware of more timely or appropriate things to do or say, for not listening and asking for feedback, especially during their school years. I apologize again for not forgiving myself for my unskilled or "ignorant" awareness in those years. I apologize for being there for others more than for my own children, in my belief that I was "changing the world for the better."

June 4, 2014 02:20 pm Compassion: 55   

I apologize for being so afraid; for not trusting in myself, in others, in the universe. My fear has kept me "safe," at a distance from those I love the most. I apologize for not being more caring and compassionate. I apologize for not being a friend, for keeping myself closed. I apologize for all of the mistakes I have made over the years, and the doubt and distrust that I have been ruled by. I apologize for being so critical, and for the judgment and resentment that make me feel "protected," but actually just hurt myself and others. I apologize for how I have blamed myself, my parents, my husband, my brother, my in-laws for so long. I want to let go of all of my resentment, doubt, distrust and fear. I want to open my heart.

June 4, 2014 02:17 pm Compassion: 44   

I apologize for any harm I have done to my step children. I apologize to MR. I apologize for hurting KD, JS, JD, JD. I apologize for any pain or hurt I have caused anyone in my life. I apologize for not loving myself at certain times in my life.

May 30, 2014 07:47 pm Compassion: 51   

I apologize for speaking harshly to and then yelling at my wife and her adult son. I'm sorry that my words caused them pain and harm. May they forgive me, and may I manage my own confusion, fear, and pain more skillfully in the future.

May 29, 2014 05:20 pm Compassion: 49   

I apologize for not believing more in myself and for continuing to impose limitations on myself due to my fear. I want to provide better to my wife, my children, and most of all to me.

May 29, 2014 05:17 pm Compassion: 44   

I'm so sorry for "clearing up" a bumble bees nest in the shed when I was younger! I still have memories of that goal orientated uncaring drive that swept up their home in an attempt to have a clear space!

May 26, 2014 06:05 pm Compassion: 59   

I apologize for aborting my first child. I am very sorry i could not see or feel you as a living being and am sorry to have caused you pain and death. I ignored you because i thought i could not stand to feel you. I thought if i would allow you to manifest, then who i thought i was would be destroyed. I did not see you. Please forgive me my blindness.

May 20, 2014 04:37 pm Compassion: 51   

I apologize and ask forgiveness for all the beautiful wildlife and plants I killed while working in the woods as a young woman with a chainsaw. My heart bleeds with sorrow when I think of this and I feel my soul weeping.

May 20, 2014 04:22 pm Compassion: 49   

I want to apologize- and I do apologize- to my ex-husband's wife for making things harder for her than they have had to be. First of all, she has made his life better for being in it, and is able to give him many things that he needed that I could not give him. I am not putting myself down- I am who I am and I had a lot to offer him also and I did offer him all that. But there were reasons we could not go on, I left him, and he met her. It was too soon for me- I was upset and angry. I could not bear seeing her in my home, with him, assuming a role in our community, and I felt pushed out and negated. These feelings are understandable, but I am sorry that my feelings made it harder for her to be her best self I don't want this to continue. I want us all to be free of suffering. I apologize to her, and to him, and want them to be as happy as they can be in this life. I apologize for being unable to meet adversity with equanimity, and for any pain I have caused.

May 18, 2014 06:59 pm Compassion: 54   

I am sorry that I've lived my life ungrateful, always thinking I should have more & that I deserve better than has been given to me. I'm sorry my beautiful daughters have grown up with a mother burdened by depression and self pity. I apologize to Life and all those in my life for not seeing past myself to the beauty that is always here.

May 12, 2014 04:59 pm Compassion: 45   


May 11, 2014 06:41 pm Compassion: 58   

I am sorry I did not understand this life...childhood, adolescence and adulthood fractures when I did not or could not find my way. I failed myself, my parents, my children and my late wife. Not always in major ways, but incrementally, over the years. ?Not always knowingly, or with bad intention. Simple foolishness, haste, impatience and bad judgments. And now I face my final few years, I am ashamed of myself. I wanted to do better. I wanted so much more for those I love...and myself. If only I could begin anew

May 10, 2014 02:35 pm Compassion: 47   

I am so sorry for not making more of my life when I was younger;for hurting my parents;for failing to make lifelong friends. I'm sorry I hurt myself, and I'm sorry for all those I have hurt.

May 10, 2014 02:34 pm Compassion: 43   

I am sorry for any unkind word I have said to my step daughter. I am so sorry for any pain i have caused her.