
October 27, 2014 01:40 pm Compassion: 48   

I regret not always knowing what intensity my grief and unmet needs have been...that I did not always know how to be present and connect and at times I have participated in violence-in thought or revenge actions or to hate...my deep sadness and confusion with the world as I experienced it so young left such a longing for peace that I simply did not know what to do. So much confusion and violence was witnessed before I knew what I could do about it. Warm connection just means so much for me; in regret,__________.

October 27, 2014 01:36 pm Compassion: 53   

I Apologies to my children when I have done anything that hurt theme.

October 23, 2014 11:02 am Compassion: 57   

I am sorry and ask forgiveness from those who have loved me with all their hearts and who I was unable to love in return. I am sorry for not being honest about my feelings and not being in touch enough with myself or having enough courage to speak the truth. I am sorry to my parents for being so conflicted towards you and finding it difficult to have a clean, open loving relationship with you.

October 21, 2014 02:14 pm Compassion: 58   

I apologize to the woman I love for lying to her about losing my job. I'm sorry I lied to you about it multiple times. I sorry I lied to you when I made up stories about work to keep up the facade of still having a job. I'm sorry for lying to your face when you asked me point blank if I still had my job; I might as well have just spat in your face. I'm sorry I betrayed your trust in me. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain. I'm sorry I broke your heart. I'm sorry I've probably destroyed what could have been, what should have been, our beautiful life together, filled with joy & love & happiness. I'm sorry I didn't trust & believe in you, me & us enough to tell you the truth. I'm sorry for not being strong enough to choose the truth over my fear of losing what we had together. I'm sorry for causing you to be disappointed in me. I'm sorry I've made you to be so angry with me. I'm sorry if the truth of my written attempts to apologize & win you back have caused you to feel alarmed. I'm sorry I've caused you to not communicate with me. I'm sorry I lack the skill & patience to properly understand & explain why I lied to you. I'm sorry for my arrogance in thinking I alone had the power to make it all better. I'm sorry for disrespecting you. I'm sorry for being too blind to see how beautiful you are inside. I'm sorry I've hurt you so much that we won't have a second chance. I'm sorry I didn't consider the selfishness not only of my lie, but also of confessing my lie to you. I'm sorry I didn't believe. I believe now. Please help my unbelief. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for it all. From every last abyssal depth of my heart & all the starlit corners of my soul, I offer you the truest, sincerest, most important, heartfelt apology I've ever given in my life, and am likely to ever give again. I'm sorry & I love you. This is my apology.

October 21, 2014 02:11 pm Compassion: 46   

My dearest and darling sister. Has it only been one and a half months since I lost you. I am so sorry I neglected you during the last year of your life. I know you reached out to me but your anger, and negativity was so hard to be around. I felt like you were sucking the life out of me. We didn't know then that this would be are last year together. We only learned on June 29th that you had only 3 months to live. I felt so guilty, so lost, so alone. I thought you would always be with me. I spend as much time with you in July and Aug as I could but you didn't last the 3 months. You left before I could say I'm so sorry for all the bad things I thought about you and all the times you needed me and I wasn't there. Please know you are in my heart always and although I know I can't turn back the clock you have given me a valuable gift. Don't take love for granted and never turn your back on it. Please know I deeply love you.

October 18, 2014 05:04 pm Compassion: 59   

Dear innocent animal i am deeply sorry and heartbroken that I let you, my pet mouse, starve to death when I was a young child. I was neglected as a child by a violent alcoholic father and mother with mental health problems who was emotionally unavailable. Somehow I could never find it in myself to ask for help. I coped by trying to be invisible and denying problems I am horrified that I was able to inflict such distresson an innocent animal and feel a deep shame as I am writing this . I had repressed this memory until recently when it came to my mind thirty five years later . I am so very sorry.

October 18, 2014 05:03 pm Compassion: 44   

I am helping during my sibling's time in hospice. This is difficult because she sibling is accepting her limited future but her husband is not. I talked to their adult child who lives in another state and because she asked, I told her things about her condition. I am sorry for having said anything to the child because it was not mine to tell. At the time I felt it was compassionate to do so but now see how complicated this has become, since communication is not forthcoming in this family and my sibling's husband cannot accept the terminal diagnosis. I think it is harder on my sibling, not easier.

October 18, 2014 05:01 pm Compassion: 42   

Kaitlin, I'm so sorry for refusing to say "I love you" when we were growing up. I do love you, and I know that you love me. Here, I commit to saying "I love you" every time we say goodbye, for the rest of our lives, and hopefully that will heal some of the damage I did when we were kids. I'll call you today to start again. <3

October 17, 2014 04:33 pm Compassion: 44   

I apologize to my wife for feeling when feeling emotionally rejected, turning away from her and walling off, rather than allowing my hurt to be and maintaining my heart connection with her. I get so lost when my own needs aren't being met in the way that I want them to, that I end up acting out. It feels like there is such a tight grasp in me towards her love, that I feel like I lose the thing I most want. And then I end up being bitter and resentful, my heart feels like ice. I also apologize for turning to pornography in those moments as an escape or a way of making me feel better. It always seems like it will provide more than it ever does, and I end up feeling bad about myself. Lately, the more I stay with myself, I see how that just reinforces this endless loop of suffering in me and in her.

October 12, 2014 07:02 pm Compassion: 53   

I apologize to my wife for not being as fully present as I wanted to be for her while she was dying from cancer. I was overwhelmed and afraid and thought I was stronger. I'm sorry for the times I let my own sadness distract me from simply sitting with her and offering my comfort.

October 9, 2014 02:57 pm Compassion: 45   

I apologize to my friend. I have closed the way to my heart for her and for me, not knowing, that I was run away from an old old pain, that depends to my parents and not to her. This is a frightening an beautiful lesson for me. I'm sorry and try to treasure myself.

October 8, 2014 01:18 pm Compassion: 46   

I am facing my obsessive mind which is covering my amnesia from being sexually abused. I apologize to my mind!! Its the only one I have and ...I had a dream of a deep conversation in which Stephen and Ondrea were speaking to me after I read Stephen's newest book. Self love. Self love and self care. HOw to pour into the ocean of compassion is not always remembered and so I bow to that gift to turn to you now. Thank you.

October 5, 2014 04:11 pm Compassion: 49   

I apologize to all those I have hurt out of my judgments and criticisms. I see that I have high expectations, and it's exhausting.

October 3, 2014 02:26 pm Compassion: 50   

I apologize for (mis)using the Levine Talks site to feed my mind, its endless questioning, to run away from the pain of unanswered questions and unattended fears; I apologize for attempting to recruit others, including Stephen & Ondrea, into my agendas. I know I have only acted to test how strong love is, and love IS that strong, my darling-self: forgive you. Even in writing this post, I apologize for the mixed motives of attempting to erase the karmic slate and emerge anew as a "good person"; may the whole good-person thing drop away, and all that old self-abuse...may I love myself as-is, warty mind and all... sweet cutie-pie warty mind, may you be held close as if feeling the weight of a 3-month baby...sweet twisted-clamped-down body, the same love to you. I apologize for trying to impress the readers of this post with how self-aware I am and get you to like me (more or again). Please dear ones, please have the thoughts you'll have. It's hard to find the true heart of real remorse; it's in here. Thank you for your listening hearts.

October 2, 2014 01:43 pm Compassion: 47   

I apologize to myself for all of the judgment and abuse I subjected myself to, for the constant pressure I put upon myself, for all of my past decision made within a space of fear, un-forgiveness, attachment and control, for the hate and un-acceptance I brought upon my body, for every unhealthy thought that has created my inner and outer prison; I apologize to myself for every opportunity I've missed to honoring my gifts and my heart, and for every compromise I have ever made, including the job I am now in. I apologize to myself for not living up to my true potential for not having loved, respected, forgiven and accepted myself. I apologize to my ex husband and my children for all of my poison that I have consciously or not spilled towards them.

September 25, 2014 07:58 pm Compassion: 50   

I apologize to my wife about my not being honest of my feelings toward her and that I did not love her, but am codependent. Now we have 3 beautiful children and I am in need of help to heal my fear and relax my control in order for everyone to be as healthy as possible. Please forgive me for not being stronger. I pray I will have the strength to become independent with healthy supports. Thank you Ondrea and Stephen for your love. Your picture on my wall makes me believe love is the way.

September 25, 2014 01:33 pm Compassion: 44   

I am sorry that I have not been able to communicate with my wife in a way that would have made her happier: I am sorry that I have been unsuccessful in my attempts to reach her, and sorry for not being able to cultivate the loving relationship with her that I always wanted. I am sorry if I was too hard or overbearing on my son. I am sorry that as a child I stepped on ants and pulled daddy long legs apart. I am sorry for having been short tempered with some people, and blind to the needs of others in cases where I could have been more attentive.

September 23, 2014 04:29 pm Compassion: 48   

I apologize to my daughter for mistakes I've made while parenting her. I appreciate her loving kindness.

September 16, 2014 07:09 pm Compassion: 39   

KUAN YIN had a SPECIAL place in her heart for prostitutes. You are the beloved of the BELOVED. TREASURE YOURSELF, AS I TREASURE YOU love ondrea&stephen;

September 16, 2014 06:26 pm Compassion: 58   

I apologize for being a whore, literally and metaphorically. I have used my body to make money, get ahead, and numb myself. I hope that now, that I am finally taking stock of the emptiness that I feel, I can stop behaving this way.