
We have had this project in mind for years. As we look at it now, it seems to be a very good idea as a means for tilting the shared heart and letting it pour into the ocean of compassion. If you were told you were completely forgiven for everything you have ever done, what is it in the heart that rejects that self mercy? Treasure Yourselves

Love, Ondrea & Stephen
October 5, 2022 11:44 am Compassion: 99   

As I see my life without errors still many bad was done but it led to good 'spiritualy' without suffering love is not possible. It all makes perfect sense to me, my heart still brakes from time to time :) but here is love. Sorry to my mother and family, to that guy or girl, to you and your friends ! But to me we are still all perfectly made for each other, doesn't matter what we did or in what type of relationship status we are :) love is an apology ! Love is !

September 27, 2022 08:39 pm Compassion: 167   

I apologize to my sweet son who died almost a year ago from Leukemia. I am sorry I didn't have the ability to save you, I am grateful that you saved me. I am sorry you aren't here to hear me say I love you, and ai am grateful you never questioned that Love. I am sorry I will spend my life remembering you rather than discovering new things about you, and I am grateful for the life you lived. Sorrow and gratitude all wrapped up in one.

September 27, 2022 12:10 am Compassion: 99   

I apologize for raising my voice with C and angrily communicating my feelings of frustration and hurt at C’s indirect communications. I felt excluded from the process and would of liked to have communicated that more calmly.

September 26, 2022 02:44 pm Compassion: 85   

I apologize to those who I may have offended recently. I am truly sorry for ever doing something that was so uncomfortable or out of line in my part. We're all human and we all make mistakes in life, but it those mistakes that we must learn our lessons the hard way. I only ask for forgiveness.

September 20, 2022 06:25 pm Compassion: 94   

I apologize to the people in my life who are having to deal with my inability to accept change. I keep fighting what seems like the inevitable, and in doing so am causing confusion, frustration and sadness. It is hard for me to accept that bad luck and bad things happen to each of us sometimes without a reason, sometimes through our own behavior, sometimes through the behavior of others to us. Instead of acceptance, I turn to problem solving, manipulation and acting out. Every time I try to accept what is happening to me I take one step forward only to fall back a few steps into this unproductive behavior again. It is causing harm to those I care about, those who are around me, and to myself. I apologize because I can't seem to change this about myself.

August 3, 2022 02:54 pm Compassion: 105   

I want to apologize to SH for not respecting boundaries. I am sorry to have wanted more than this person wanted to give, for throwing my heart, my desires, my entire being at this person , for using sexuality and giving to draw you in, for not listening when you did not want to be with me. I apologize to myself for groveling, for living on hope, for taking crumbs and believing it is love, for the way every part of me opens when I hear this person’s voice. I apologize to myself for wanting love so badly that I lived on pretense I apologize to my soul for allowing it to be brought so low. I apologize to myself for settling for less, for believing abuse and neglect is all I deaerve . I apologize to myself for not treasuring myself but hopng someone would

July 11, 2022 02:03 pm Compassion: 122   

I want to apologize to myself. I am weeping as I write this. I want to apologize for being forced to hate myself, feeling so much shame and self abandonment. I am learning how these things came out of living in a terrifying, neglectful, dysfunctional, abusive home. I am sorry you had to go through that and you suffer from it 50 years later. I'm sorry you have struggled with being your true self and pursuing your dreams and making lasting loving relationships. I am sorry you have tried to stay safe like you did as a child- that you have lived using those old painful self abandoning tools that once saved you but now hurt you. I am proud of you- your commitment to healing- who you are. I am here for you and want to keep growing to be the best loving parent I can be to you. You are worthy. You are whole. You never did anything to deserve abuse and abandonment. I love you.

July 5, 2022 06:01 pm Compassion: 43   

Przepraszam moje dzieci za brak mi?o?ci , za to ?e postawi?am siebie na pierwszym miejscu, ?e mia?am zamkni?te oczy na ich krzywd? i rozpacz. Przepraszam za z?e emocje którym dawa?am panowa? nad sob? bez walki bez chwili refleksji i zatrzymania . Przepraszam te? siebie za to ?e nie potrafi? walczy? o moje w?asne ja , nie podejmuj? reakcji , walcz? biernie , cz?sto w my?lach

June 21, 2022 12:39 pm Compassion: 126   

My dear beautiful son, I am so very sorry I chose such a wretched, damaged man, who became your stepdad. I did not realize that he was an abuser. This was a long time ago, but I still feel the flames of self-loathing and guilt over this. My son, you have turned out so well—you are so mature & so loving. I believe that I need to forgive myself, but it is so hard. The damage that my ex inflicted on you & me—it still feels nauseating. Please G-d, help me to forgive myself, and to open my heart to me. THANK YOU for this apology page for giving me an outlet to express my pain & grief. I am crying with gratitude.??????Bless you all.

June 2, 2022 01:15 pm Compassion: 74   

I apologize to myself for making someone else responsible for me. I have been married twice 7yrs the first marriage 25 yrs the second marriage and I see how I sacraficed my self respect to be in both relationships. It was easy to blame them it was hard to see I was equally responsible for the way they ended. I want to have mercy on myself to give myself kindness my x’s and everyone. I want a soft belly I want to be on the outside as tender and loving as I know is in me. Praying for forgiveness towards myself that I may fully forgive others. Thank you

May 7, 2022 09:05 pm Compassion: 75   

I apologize to my sister whose politics and choices I do not understand. I have gossiped, bad mouthed and told your story to people I didn't need to tell I free you to be who you need to be and your journey of life. I come back to my breath and through my heart I can love.

April 28, 2022 02:10 pm Compassion: 63   

I apologize to my daughters for getting so worried about their health that they were too afraid to tell me when they were sick. I apologize to my grand daughter for continuing this habitual pattern. I apologize to myself for all of the sleepless nights worrying about my children. May these feelings of fear be held in great space and my mind rest. May I learn to trust this life and that my children are safe & healthy.

April 26, 2022 12:25 pm Compassion: 60   

I apologise to all my siblings for not sharing love as we grew up together. I apologise to my precious son for not being a gentle mother I apologise to my husband for not being devoted to him or accepting him To myself f or taking so long to realise your worthiness

April 23, 2022 04:24 pm Compassion: 65   

I would like to apologize to my ex husband for ending our marriage after 22 years together, as I know this was very hard on you and hurt you very deeply. We tried to make it work for many years, four rounds of different couple therapists - we both wanted to find a way to keep our beautiful little family together. I also want to apologize to my two beautiful daughters, who lost their solid base and who now have to move from home to home. In apologizing I am not admitting guilt - as I know it was not really my fault. As my Buddhist meditation teacher said to me; 'the conditions made it so that it could not be any other way'. I had no other choice in order to save my mental and physical health, and demonstrate to my girls that it is not ok to be mistreated, dominated over, unappreciated and talked down to. But it was the most difficult decision I have ever made, and I lost a lot in this too. I am also sorry to myself for submitting to the conditions in my marriage for far too long and not knowing that I could stand on my own earlier. My heart carried a very heavy burden to keep the dream of the family alive, which it is now trying to heal from. I am sorry to you dear heart for not protecting you more and clinging to concepts of the 'happy family' and always putting everyone else's interests above your own.

April 18, 2022 06:10 pm Compassion: 71   

I abandoned my children when they needed me the most - which is always, isn't it. My heart did not know love and I was so disconnected from myself and thus from them that I could send them away from me thinking that it didn't matter - that I didn't matter to them either. Such pain is emerging as I awaken to the deep grief of my entire life. I am so sorry my precious ones -- sweet sweet children of my heart - so deeply sorry. I cry and cry and cry not only for this but for all the grief never bared that now is beckoning to be felt. May it open my heart to forgiveness.

April 13, 2022 12:00 am Compassion: 39   

Przepraszam wszystkie osoby, którym zaproponowa?em przedsi?wzi?cie MLM. Zrobi?em to w dobrej wierze, z nadziej?, ?e to bardzo dobra propozycja. Podej?cie moje do tej dzia?alno?ci by?o jak dot?d niew?a?ciwe. Intencje mia?em dobre, ale sposób w jaki je przekazywa?em i zaznajamia?em z systemem MLM powodowa?, ?e ?le po prostu t?umaczy?em t? ide?. ?le j? t?umaczy?em tak?e sobie. St?d powsta?o bardzo du?o nieporozumie? i ostatecznie czasem nachalnego dzia?ania z mojej strony. A to jest zupe?nie inne przedsi?wzi?cie ni? do tej pory s?dzi?em. Tylko ja to wiem teraz dopiero. Dlatego wszystkich Was, którym przedstawi?em t? dzia?alno??, PRZEPRASZAM i prosz? aby?cie mi wybaczyli. Pisze to bez oczekiwania jakiegokolwiek zrozumienia z Waszej strony. Po prostu czuj? i uwa?am, ?e mam Was przeprosi?. Przynajmniej tyle mog? zrobi?. Wszystkim Wam ?ycz? Dobrego Dnia. Ka?dego dnia w Waszym ?yciu. (Adam Maciej)

April 12, 2022 03:26 pm Compassion: 43   

I apologize to all in my circle of life I have devalued, disrespected and distanced from myself. The focus on extending loving light to all is the inspiration I send to all. With a broken heart, I erroneously believed i would heal myself from negative actions. The false power of the negative has brought pain and suffering to self and others. My Heart and Soul are healing slowly and graciously. This process has given me the clarity and energy to work through the wreckage into Love and Light. God of my understanding knew and knows. God takes my hand as We walk this new and awe inspiring life with burdens set down. Bless them, Change Me- Bless them, Heal Me

April 11, 2022 10:45 pm Compassion: 34   

I apologize to all in my circle of life I have devalued, disrespected and distanced from myself. The focus on extending loving light to all is the inspiration I send to all. With a broken heart, I erroneously believed i would heal myself from negative actions. The false power of the negative has brought pain and suffering to self and others. My Heart and Soul are healing slowly and graciously. This process has given me the clarity and energy to work through the wreckage into Love and Light. God of my understanding knew and knows. God takes my hand as We walk this new and awe inspiring life with burdens set down. Bless them, Change Me- Bless them, Heal Me

April 10, 2022 05:21 pm Compassion: 45   

I send out my apology to those I love deeply for my words and actions said and done that May have harmed them In any way- As I have now suffered greatly and long in guilt and pain against myself for these same words and deeds, I also apologize to the self of me who did not receive the love I needed to prevent such neglectful or thoughtless acts- I see that we are the same person now— there is only one Person sharing the same conditions- My heart’s intention is to continue in loving the One— to bear my losses as the Lessons I have needed In order to arrive to the condition of ongoing forgiveness- May I and Everyone Know only the Love that brings healing to the World-

April 1, 2022 05:30 pm Compassion: 56   

I apologize to people I have hurt during the times in my life I was most lost. That's not an excuse, by any means, but those times, I also lost my moral compass. I was selfish. And deeply, deeply wrong. Ultimately, that led to getting help, and being able to leave developmental trauma and its demons of the past in the past, to wave goodby to triggers and no need to act out, trying to correct things that can't be corrected. I am so sorry for inflicting my pain on others. Please forgive me...as I continue to work on forgiving myself.