Easily and happily forgiven for all that has been done for me. Forgive me for all that has been done and left undone. Metta.
I feel like I was tested and failed. The experience pushed all of my hurt places to the surface, which I am grateful for, but I hurt others with my actions. I knew what not to do but didn't have the strength to do the right thing. I caused pain and loss for not only myself but others as well. For all of this I am deeply, profoundly sorry. I ask for forgiveness from my heart.
I am so sorry about lies I have told over the years, pretending I am someone I clearly am not. I was feeling so very bad inside and did not love myself. I have been angry, cruel to myself, but I've come to realize that all can be forgiven, but I have to start with forgiving myself. I still have to ask for forgiveness and apologize to those people I have angered and disappointed. It may be too late to say "sorry" to my father, who passed away two years ago, but I am still going to say it now: I apologize.
I have a deep regret for the time that I was unclear about what had happened to me in my childhood. I had much confusion, much pain and suffering. When my brother pressed me to explain and to put words to my estrangment I finally said I was sexually abused by our father. I did have many body memories during that time, and they were horrible. My deep regret is that I spoke too soon. I said something that hurt my family, and that even though the actual abuse that was done was more horrific, I feel deep sadness and sorrow that I spoke an untruth about such a thing. I ask that my family please forgive me. That any hurt that I caused please be forgiven. I cannot take back that time, as it has passed. I was not able to actually be brave and courageous enough later to tell what exactly DID happen. And I guess it wasn't right for me to say it out loud, as the fear and terror was too strong. I have tried and tried to forgive myself about saying an untruth. I hope that this helps.
I apologize for not trusting myself to speak with open heart towards the one I most love.I apologize for condemning myself for the paralysis I feel. I apologize for my failure to reflect on my emotions when I feel the sense of "dislike", or judgement, first starting.I apologize for my unspoken projection of fear and frustration on my loved one for his compromised health. I apologize to myself for not loving myself more fully, and for not fully forgiving myself for being less than what i would like myself to be. I am grateful to Ondrea and Stephen for offering this opportunity to ask myself these questions! I feel the fluidity of forgiveness in just trying to voice what is stuck inside of me! With many thanks for your presence!!
I'm sorry for not valuing many of my friendships over the years. I think that I didn't call them because I didn't value myself. There were time when friends needed me and I wasn't available. It's taken me a long time to realize my own value. It's only now that I feel that I have an ability to love myself and therefore love fully. I've been too afraid to say this to some friends and ask for forgiveness (i guess demonstrating that I still have fear that need to work through). So I'm asking for forgiveness here. I read that forgiveness is for the person doing the forgiving. And that's what I haven't been able to do- I've worked to change but still haven't shed the guilt. But I am ready to say it now- I apologize.
Today, feeling so very isolated and overwhelmed, I go from one over eating to the next. I sat in my car, eating a container of yogurt. Isolated. I sat in the car eating sweets which I feel so missing of close friendships and support that I go to food when these needs arise. Two friends recently died. How can I abuse over and over food? How grateful I am that it is not alcohol. How grateful I am that it is not drugs. I forgive the part of me that is not strong enough again to handle the loss of jobs, the loss of people dying and the beauty of learning from suffering. There is gratitude for a hot line counselor bearing witness to my experience over the phone today. I bow to this moment. Thank you.
There is a part of my way towards other people that holds back. This has been so since I was a child. I have had to hold back for fear of being abused again. I was sexually abused and have amnesia. I can still feel that part that has missed intimacy. And the part that has experienced intimacy w/ friends I have trusted, shared good times with and not held back my truth or the capacity to share deeply and with enjoyment. Oh this is difficult. To forgive and acknowledge the part of me that needed to protect. That needed to be held back . To take my time ;however long that was. And to become the captive of that fear. To honor my fear. To honor unraveling it so that I can love myself has been very difficult and very beautiful when this feeling has been in a loving and safe environment with those I trusted. How sad to have missed more intimacy. I forgive myself and I believe the mystery in the future that somehow somehow, Stephen and Ondrea have healed. Other have healed. May it be so for me with taking slow slow waves of time. Thank you.
I was wrong for responding when I was angry and hurt. I know that I contributed to the outcome and felt invalidated and blamed. I should have communicated in person, in a gentle and thoughtful manner. I should have waited and asked for what I needed, which was simply more ownership from you. I feel emotionally abandoned and I know that there is a pattern of this in my life. Please forgive me for being hurtful. May you have peace and always be free from suffering.
I am truly deeply sorry for what I did when caring for my father when he was dying. While I understand the many circumstances that led up it, I am grieved that I could not somehow find the moral fortitude to withstand the temptation, that I could find no other resources, or confide to someone as deeply as I needed to about how fragile and in need I was. I feel a deep loneliness thinking about it now. Especially about how it separated my father and I at the end, and he died alone in a hospital. Though we were never very close, all chances of it being good between us when he did die were erased. I regret that I didn't know how to care for myself in the situation, that he was in so much pain he had no idea how I was becoming the very thing he feared. That I didn't just walk away when he started drinking again. That I thought I was so much stronger than I really was. How I wish my brothers could understand what it was like to be there alone with him day after day, and forgive me. I wish I could forgive myself for just being a great disappointment to them all.
I'm sorry to myself and to my mother. Till now I have not found a way to really send Apologie to our painful past. There is still a big part of me that is so badly injured... OM MANI PEME HUNG
Sorry, sorry, sorry, I am so sorry to little inner child in me that I have told for so many years to cover over her fears, to buck up and be perfect. I am sorry that I have a belief that in order to enjoy life, in order to be worthy of the immense gift that is life that I need to be perfect. And I am sorry that belief has stopped me from appreciating and celebrating the gifts in my life. I am sorry for the times that belief has made me turn up my nose at what other people are offering. I am sorry that in my own sense of unworthiness I find it difficult to receive all the love my darling and others give me. I am sorry for all the times I have been closed off and distrustful. I am sorry for doubting his love. How can he love me that much, support me that much when I still suffer so? When I am still so layered and covered in barbed wire and brambles? I am sorry for still being unable to accept this gift of love. I am sorry for vacillating between loving him deeply and then balking and backpedaling and thinking no no we better break up. I am sorry for all the doubt and suffering this indecision plagues me with. Sorry for all the hamster wheel thoughts that drive me mad:circling and circling. I am sorry for all the times I have smiled(grimaced), opened my mouth and said "I love you," when fear was tweaking my vocal cords, fear was telling me to just say it or be left. Say it or be a bad friend, a bad lover. Just say it and I am sorry for that people pleasing phoniness both to myself and to others. Lastly I am sorry to my body, my poor body that I have often treated like a machine to do my bidding. Run here, yoga there,eat green while my mind checks out not noticing if you are enjoying this, or if this hurts you. I am sorry body, sorry for my disregard for you. For my mistreatment of you and I am sorry for all the times where I have resisted illness, been angry at you for being ill. Been angry at you for just telling me a story I need to hear. I am sorry, I love you, please forgive me one and all.
I am so sorry to my precious father for not being there more for him throughout the years that he was slowly dying from dementia. For not tenderly caring for him as he would have for me while he was sick, or just having had surgery, or suffering injuries; and that I instead let the center care for him. I am so sorry Dad...so so sorry that I let you age during this time alone. I'm sorry to my husband for believing that he should be the way I want him to be. For not loving you as you are. For staying with you at times for security. I'm sorry for kissing my boss, for flirting with other guys and being a total hypocrite. I'm sorry to my daughter that I ignored so much because I thought she was too clingy and too demanding. For not protecting her from my husband's harsh words and treatment, for not helping her and being with her more as an adult, for showing my husband and son more love than I showed her. I'm sorry for not being a better mom to my son. I'm sorry for not being more kind to my mentally ill mother, for judging her harshly and treating her with destain. I'm sorry for all the pets I have had that I didn't properly care for. For not seeing them for what they are, and instead treating them like objects to fill my endless holes and then discard when they don't fulfill as promised. I am so sorry B. for letting you die - to N. for just letting you live in the garage after I bought my new couch. To BB for keeping you in the basement just because of poop. I'm so sorry to everyone and everything for treating you like objects. For being so selfishly self centered - for being a taker rather than a giver to you. For not loving and honoring who and what you are. I'm so sorry to God for just wanting you for selfish reasons. For wanting more and not just humbly grateful for all the Grace. And to you Ondrea if this has taken too much of your precious energy and time for me. Thank you....Thank you for the precious healing gift of this and of your presence, and for all the work you do for *all of us.* Thank you! Much Love!
can i please instead of making an apology let me and the whole universe know that i am so grateful that all my errors all my doing wrong finally are self-recognized as part of me and part of being human. Something happened that allowed me to love. i am so grateful for that. But an apology has to be made: that over the years I did hot tried harder to see the truth behind the clouds. I lost so many precious years because of being lazy.
I apologize to myself and all my relations for having cancer. Especially my loving husband who goes with me on this journey. I apologize for being hard on myself for not always being happy. I apologize to my body for anything I may have done wrong to cause this disease.
I apologize to all those I have hurt with my anger--my son, my cats, my past significant others, my family. I am working daily on this and am doing much better but am still shocked when anger bursts from me. I also apologize to myself for hurting myself when I am angry.
I am sorry that I am so mean to myself, at times being my worst enemy, with the loudest angry voice constantly picking at my self-esteem and condemning me to what seems a small and dark life. I am sorry that I have taken on the dark messages around me from the beginning, feeling I do not deserve to live, to take up space on this beautiful planet. I am sorry that I sense myself to be separate from the wholeness and wonder of nature and that I have taken these messages into my heart. I am sorry for hurting myself and others by absorbing these views and emanating them. I am sorry I have let my life light flicker.
I am deeply sorry for the little animals I killed at one point in my life. I lacked loving kindness for my self and the rage and anger rained down upon you was unjust and I deeply apologize for all of my miss steps and trespasses to you. I since have learned to love and have pets? to love and care for little creatures...
I am sorry for being so revealing when your heart/mind might have needed some censoring.
I apologise to those parts of myself that I still reject...