
March 6, 2014 03:48 pm Compassion: 55   

I apologize that I established an expectation of monogamy with my boyfriend when I was 18 but then I acted out strong sexual impulses while stoned and had casual sex with 2 of his friends and kept it secret from him. I now pledge to honor the expectations I establish with others, or to be honest with them when I have done less than expected.

March 4, 2014 02:50 pm Compassion: 54   

I apologize that I was so greedy that I stole from my mom's purse to buy candy when I was very young (then lied and said I didn't), then stole from class funds when I was the freshman treasurer & stole a makeup compact from my high school roommate too, and calculatingly rang up the wrong amounts on the cash register many times so I could pocket money from the drawer when I worked in the family business and later when I worked at another shop. I also fudged records to keep some of the busfares I was in charge of collecting for a trip. The first theft was when I was about 5, and the last when I was 21. A long career of petty theft. Now I am 61 and think it's about time to face the truth, move forward from the unchangeable past, and forgive myself. To unbind my heart. I pledge to never again repeat the mistake of taking what isn't offered and then lying to cover my secret shame. I am grateful to be free of the greed that led me to these self- and other-harming acts. Thank you for this apology page.

March 4, 2014 01:11 pm Compassion: 57   

I am sorry for whatever karma I created to be enduring this deep suffering right now. Please forgive me for anthything and all that I have done and left undone. I forgive those who have harmed and neglected me. I ask for compassion during this time of bewildering confusion and pain that appears to have no end in sight but surely does. May all beings have peace and live with ease. May I live with peace and ease always and endure my karma with self-compassion too.

March 3, 2014 04:36 pm Compassion: 53   

I apologize to the little girl who still exists inside me, the one who didn't know that she didn't have to use so many years self-destructing to prove to the world that she didn't need the protection it failed to give her.

February 24, 2014 01:58 pm Compassion: 59   

I apologize to God for not understanding your guidance and for not knowing how to fulfill my destiny. I apologize for failing utterly in my mission and for not bringing the spiritual upliftment and healing that I was entrusted to deliver. I am so sorry that I was inadequate at every stage -- no, not in the creating of the music and the words -- but in getting to the right people, getting it out there where it could do its magic. I forgive myself for feeling so helpless and powerless even though I carried a big gift. I forgive myself for not treating this gift as the exquisite and invaluable treasure that it is, and for allowing myself to be beaten down and languish. I do not really know how it went so wrong when I gave it my all for so many years and had only the very best of intentions from the bottom of my heart. I am so sorry, world, that I failed you. Yes I did, and I still don't know how to get this on track. I forgive myself for my weaknesses and for not knowing. I am so sorry. There are no words to express it....so sorry.

February 22, 2014 01:24 pm Compassion: 58   

For the past thirty plus years I have not forgiven myself for betraying my best friend. I apologize now to her for that betrayal. I am still trying to forgive myself. I ask help from the sacred mother, for I am having a difficult time forgiving myself. I must let go of this in order for me to believe I am a loving friend in my current relationships. I need to be merciful to that young woman I was who was caught up in her ego.

February 21, 2014 11:35 am Compassion: 53   

I apologize to myself for not forgiving myself for so long for things beyond my control at a time when I was in such deep depression that I was unable to see reality and acknowledge my self-inflicting pain. I apologize to all those who suffered along with me due to my deep depression and disgust for myself and how I was unable to see their suffering as a consequence of my own. I apologize for my ignorance in not acknowledging the power of my own suffering to creat a wall that separated me from those I deeply love. And I apologize to my children who witnessed my intense self-inflicted suffering out of ignorance and how I have blamed myself for years for their suffering inflicted by my own. I forgive myself. I need to move on and flourish anew and I am now there for them and all, as many were there and are so for me now.

February 18, 2014 05:53 pm Compassion: 59   

I apologize for telling you the baby was yours and it wasn't.

February 15, 2014 06:31 pm Compassion: 51   

I Apologize to you, M for hanging on all these 31 years to the hope and almost demand that you make a declaration to me of us being together. My hope was in reality mostly unfounded and although I know you were ambivalent sometimes M, I did not have the evidence of what makes the hope of a lasting romance. So sorry I put that demand upon you....and myself.

February 11, 2014 02:01 pm Compassion: 64   

I apologize to myself and my family and friends for the deep deep depression i have allowed to overtake me this past year. I realize that i have been blaming myself for not being in a better place, and that i have felt like a failure. So i have turned that anger inward and have let all the life and light go out of my life. I see that blaming myself is the same as unforgiveness and there is nothing to be forgiven for. My decisions and actions were what i thought were right at the time, and so are well and good. I am now dedicated to forgiving myself and everyone.

February 7, 2014 02:41 pm Compassion: 55   

I am sorry that i have been unable to listen to and hear the wisdom that i have been offered until now, my 50th year. I am sorry i listened to the negative and shame-producing things that my mother, my self and others have said about me rather than really appreciating the strength and wisdom that i have had within all along. I am sorry that i have allowed others to cause me suffering and in so doing i have allowed them to suffer in ways I don't understand. I originally wrote so much more and I am so sorry this is nearly too much at once. I am deeply grateful for all of the people who are able to pour out there hearts here. I am especially grateful for Ondrea for reading my apologies and those of others. May all know peace, may all know compassion, may all know joy.

February 7, 2014 02:39 pm Compassion: 67   

I apologize to my mother, because I have blamed her in anger for her suicide. I believe with my heart that she didn't mean to hurt me and my father. But I find it hard to forgive her even though I know it. My mother was depressed, although she did not acknowledge it because she saw it as her own weakness. I too have had depression since her death and that of my dad. So I can begin to understand her pain, and the great difficulty of acknowledging it and moving beyond it. I have been reading her letters and know in my heart that she loved me very much. It is the hardest thing in my life.

February 3, 2014 02:09 pm Compassion: 74   

I apologise here and now to my young family, my partner and our two beautiful small daughters. For nearly 4 years I have known that I have an incurable, terminal illness and I have not shared this with anyone. There will come a time when I will have to but for now I want everything to be as normal as it can be without the heavy load of anticipation hanging over us all. It is all so difficult to explain here, but I need an outlet and for now this is it. I am so sorry.

February 3, 2014 02:07 pm Compassion: 50   

I apologize to my Self for being in my current rut of thinking and behavior. Since I got fired from my job last year, most mornings I wake up and my first thought is "oh, today is another day of no follow-though on job applications." I apologize to my Self for blowing money on gambling. I apologized to my Self for returning to the emotional wasteland of my childhood where I lived in shame and no self-esteem (I'm in my late 40's now). I apologize to my God for insisting that my life continue on the plan I had set, the career path that I 'deserve", for not being open to new possibilities.

February 1, 2014 12:47 pm Compassion: 54   

I apologize for grabbing some of the money that came my way as the executor of my mother's estate. I've made this apology before, but it still remains inside me. No one understood how confused and disoriented I was. I know that I took more than what belongs to me.

January 30, 2014 02:58 pm Compassion: 62   

I apologize to my son for leaving him with his father and running away to discover myself and take care of my needs. I left him and this created a chasm of distrust and pain that he is now so afraid to look deep down into, let alone cross. He now runs away from anything challenging and lacks empathy to others. I am sorry to the universe for not taking care of my responsibility and leaving behind a mess of a young man that needs healing and has only fear and no trust to become the strong man he is meant to be.

January 20, 2014 06:40 pm Compassion: 55   

I apologize to my last boyfriend for not being honest with myself and him about my sexual needs.I am so sorry i was afraid to look at his needs as different and not compatible with mine. I was afraid of facing the truth and being alone. I fooled myself into thinking it might work out and glossed over the sexual part of the dissatisfaction to the detriment of us both. I am so sorry i was not honest with myself or him. I am also so sorry i let him be in charge and did not honor myself.

January 19, 2014 09:43 am Compassion: 48   

I apologize to my supervisor for allowing him to control and manipulate me. I apologize I let your make me feel inferior and control what I did at work and my personal life. I apologize I was not strong enough to say NO when I should have. I apologize I should have spoken up and gotten you help when you threatened my life. I apologize I allowed you to believe you had so much control over me. Because you do not have control over me. I am sorry you do not see how you only cause yourself more pain when you try to hurt others.

January 18, 2014 03:26 pm Compassion: 56   

I apologize to my ex husband for allowing him to think he was god-like and powerful . I apologize for letting him think it was ok for him to intimidate me into meeting his needs for an emotional punching bag. I apologize to him for acting like his lackey in order to feel physically secure, all the while hoping God would punish him for hurting me. I apologize to myself for accepting so much abuse and unhappiness before taking responsibility for my own victimhood. Last, I apologize to all men and women in similarly abusive relationships with whom I have not shared this apology. Finally, I lovingly cut all cords of judgement and guilty attachment that may still bind my ex husband to me as I pray he will do the same for me.~*~

January 15, 2014 01:10 pm Compassion: 52   

I apologize to B. for not having the courage to follow my heart.