Please forgive me. I feel so ashamed of my behavior. Please forgive me for all the pain I am projecting onto you. Please forgive me for not taking responsibility for my happiness and making you the cause of my unhappiness. Please forgive me for the resentment I feel toward you because you are happy and sure of your way. You are such a good, thoughtful and loving husband. Forgive me for confusing you and pushing you away. Please forgive me.
I am sorry for being na?ve. I am somehow the creator of the patterns that keep repeating. I am sorry that things I do drain or repel people. I want to understand and can't. I apologize for being so scared of mistakes years ago, which will haunt me forever. I am sorry I can't fix anything and cannot yet let go. I chose a life of service which has been a great punishment and I am sorry for losing the faith that I had. Please forgive that I do not believe in the value of goodness right now.
I am sorry that my bipolar sister, now deceased, never found a stable living situation in her lifetime. She was my best friend and my worst enemy. Somehow, we found a way to keep in touch and offer each other love. In her last days, I am sorry I did not go to bat for her when she had asked me to call out our parents for not having dealt with her situation in a consistent manner. I am also sorry that her sexual abuse fell on me. How can I blame her if she wasn't very aware herself at age 13 that she was crossing the moral line, and incapable of discerning when and where to draw that line. I wish I could have done more for her. Of so, she may still be around today.
I am sorry I hurt you during our marriage and divorce. I had complex post traumatic stress and was not well. Please forgive me for the confusion, pain and sorrow I brought to our relationship. I love you. Please forgive me.
Please forgive me for not knowing how to say what needed to be said. Please forgive me for not understanding enough about this condition. Please understand how much I love you. Please open your heart and let me back in. I will always love you. I'm sending you love every day, every couple of hours. Forgive me.
I am sorry we cannot freely communicate. I'm sorry I tried to contact you. I wish that I could resolve the shame between the two of us. I want to and cannot understand. I am sorry that I am confused. It is the restriction of authentic communication that has harmed both of us. I am sorry that I can't go in there uninvited again. I think I loved you before I knew you. May you have the deepest peace and healing.
I'm sorry for all the times I went to work and left you to deal with your own fears. My heart broke at the time and it still breaks every time I think about it. Please forgive me. I love you more than life.
I am sorry I could not help all of the little children I saw hurt and abused when I was little. It was awful to see and hear you screaming and crying when I could not do anything. It hurt so very very much. I am sorry I could not help you
I am sorry for my dog who has a tumor and a few months left. He is the most nurturing and selfless little soul that ever came in my life that has been there every day with love and deep affection. I am grieving so much loss this year and I am heartbroken for all the times that I came home from work and ignored his bids for my attention. He has had a great life and I am grateful to have the summer with him to make him happy. I am sorry to myself to lose the greatest little joy that got me through the worst. I will take you to the greatest parks, buy you cheeseburgers and play with you and your toys as much as you want. I love you little guy.
"Anger is the deepest form of compassion, for another, for the world, for the self, for the body, for a life, for our family and for all our ideals, all vulnerable and all about to be hurt. Stripped of physical imprisonment and violent reaction, anger is the purest form of care" DW - My anger was and is of something sacred being threatened and I'm sorry. Your anger is forgiven by me. I'm sorry things have been so hard for you and I wish I could comfort you. I just want to know when you are going away.
I am sorry I gave you up for adoption. I didn't want to but I felt that you would have a more stable life. I am Sorry I was sad during my pregnancy and cried a lot. I am sad your mom died suddenly when you were a teenager and I was not on your life to be of support. I am sorry I m not more of a mom now....sometimes I don't know what to do to help. I love you.
I am sorry I acted with fear.I am sorry it was hard for me to accept closeness and support. I am sorry I lashed out at times. I am sorry that I hurt you with inconsistent behavior. I love you so much and I never ever meant to hurt you. I love you. Please forgive me.
I am sorry I hurt you and lashed out when you were so little. I never ever meant to hurt you. Please forgive me. I love you.
I am sorry that I hurt you. I did not mean to. I hope you are very well and happy.
I am sorry it was hard for me to trust. I am sorry I hurt you. Please forgive me.
This is to my old furry friend who I loved so much. I am sorry of I hurt you. I didnt mean to. I love you so much. Thank you for being in my life.
I am sorry I hurt you so many years ago when we were dating. I cared for you so much and never wanted to hurt you. I have thought about you through the years and hope you are well. I love you. Please forgive me.
Dear loved ones, employers, clients and anyone else affected...I apologize and I am very sorry for any hurt or confusion caused by my behavior. I have suffered from long standing post traumatic stress. It is finally getting better but I know sometimes my reactions have been damaging. I am very sorry. Please forgive me. I love you.
I am sorry I was unable to continue with our long standing friendship. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was scared and confused, overwhelmed with my own life and didn't know how to help you. I care so much for you and hope you are well. Please forgive me. I love you very much. Thank you for all of the wonderful years.
I am sorry I hurt you so many years ago. I did not man to. I wanted to be with you. I am sorry. O have apologized before but I want to say it again and finally let go. O love you my dear friend and I hope you are very very well.