
December 6, 2015 02:48 pm Compassion: 67   

I am sorry for the many unskilful actions and mistakes I made as a daughter, friend, sibling, wife and mother. I'm sorry for all the times I was selfish, unkind, dishonest, unforgiving and impatient. I deeply regret all hurt that I caused. I regret how often I am unable to let go of and forgive others' actions. I am sorry, too, for the way I mercilessly beat myself up. I want to open my heart to myself and others. Thank you for reading this.

December 6, 2015 02:47 pm Compassion: 41   

E, I am so sorry that I was such a poor wife to you. I had such an empty place inside me - longing for love and care - and I expected you to fill it. I am sorry that I did not have the skills to treat you any better than what I saw in my own family of origin. In my pain and fear, I lashed out at you. I wish I had been able to explain to you what was broken in me. I now know better. We were very different people, and both had some unhealed places. I apologize to myself, as well, for being unable to forgive myself for my errors - and for holding guilt and blame. I thank you for the opportunity to experience married life, to have a beautiful daughter, to be part of your family for a while. I wish both of us, and our daughter and families, deep healing.

December 5, 2015 06:42 pm Compassion: 18   


December 5, 2015 04:26 pm Compassion: 41   

Mum, forgive me for being an inadequate daughter at times... for not loving you enough or seeing ways of helping you more. Forgive me for all the arguments we had, for letting you down, for not finding ways of meeting you half way those many times. Forgive me for not appreciating you enough. Forgive me for being one part of the world that caused you enough suffering that you escaped by taking your life. May you be whole; may you find ease and deep comfort. Thank you for your life and for sharing it with me. All my love!

December 5, 2015 04:25 pm Compassion: 43   

Forty years ago I joined my brother and his friends in a gang of children and we threw rocks at a young boy in our neighbourhood. He was native, deaf and adopted. We stood him against a wall at the back of one of our houses and we pelted him with rocks, with the intention of hurting him. I have carried the shame of this choice and these actions for my entire life. My heart has been creased over this darkness. I am so very sorry, Chris, for what we did to you on that day. I am so deeply sorry for showing mercilessness at such a young age. I am so sorry I participated instead of finding a way to get help and change our choices. May I be forgiven. May we all find peace.

December 3, 2015 02:26 pm Compassion: 37   

I wish I hadn't been abusive and desperate. I wish I could have instead have made you feel protected and happy. I wish that I could have shown you the bare experience of being loved without having my pain mixed in it. If I ever saw your warm and kind face again, I would express my regret for harming our bond. I would want to know much more and make a commitment to you if you wanted it. I would try to believe in possibilities and be brave even though I was scared. I would also accept the answer better. I'm sorry for getting this desperate. I'm fine and want to give you freedom. Thank you.

November 9, 2015 02:38 pm Compassion: 34   

I am so sorry to the helpless being inside of me for repeatedly subjecting myself to abuse. I did not want to see this until it had broken my spirit into a thousand pieces. I really thought that being as loving as possible was the solution. I did not know that it was abusive to myself to invite neglectful, abusive, ugly treatment from others who can’t see me as a person. I am sorry and I want to change this long-standing pattern of pain and suffering right now. I offer a genuine apology to human being inside me who has been ignored for the needs of others, and a sincere attempt to change from this day forward. I ask that the one inside, that connects all of us, to forgive and give me strength to go on.

November 8, 2015 02:01 pm Compassion: 31   

Dad, I apologize for my unkind and unskillful actions toward you when you were alive. I was angry at you a lot and was pretty out of control with it. I was very caught up in my anger and had no good ways of dealing with it. I now understand more about who you were. My mental health training has helped me understand better. If I had it to do over, I would have been more skillful with you. I would not have lashed out at you the way I did. I would not have expected you to be a consistent parent - you couldn't be that. I kept thinking you weren't trying, or could do better. I'm sorry there was so much bad feeling between us. I needed to just pull back and detach more and let our relationship be what it was instead of trying to change it and you. I suffered a lot, and I know you suffered a lot. I'm sorry I was part of that suffering. I hope your spirit found peace when you passed on. I truly wish you peace, and I am sorry - Your daughter.

November 8, 2015 01:59 pm Compassion: 25   

J - I'm sorry I was so reactive when we were together. I was unskillful in how I handled my unhappiness. I blamed you and thought if I was angry enough at you, you would change. That's how we did things in my family, and I repeated that with you. I apologize for being unkind and sometimes mean to you. I know I hurt you. If I had it to do over, I would recognize our incompatibility, and just deal with that upfront, rather than constantly being disappointed in you. That must have been very hard for you to deal with. I am truly sorry, and I wish you happiness and well-being and peace in your life. With love, me.

November 5, 2015 02:35 pm Compassion: 46   

Inside there is a desperate infant waiting for a parent who is never coming. I am sorry I have not accepted or healed this in me. I look for people that seem like they will be that nurturer and it is a disaster in my world. The agony of this is chronic for me. I fail at fully being in the world and knowing what is real. I hurt people back for hurting me chronically. I am resentful because I cannot get this need met. I am sorry.

November 4, 2015 05:05 pm Compassion: 23   

I'm sorry that I hurt you. The truth is I knew we couldn't work. I let my selfishness and my sexual energy be paramount to your emotional well being. I'm sorry that your children grew attached and that they got hurt as a result. I'm sorry that I relapsed and I pray for the strength to stay sober. I'm sorry that I've kept this to myself and as a rusilt lied to others. I pray that if I'm to keep helping others in recovery this will be clear to me and if not I will have the power to admit my faults if need be. I'm sorry that I mad you feel like you weren't enough. You're wonderful and again I shouldn't ha e let my self seeking ways hurt your feelings.

November 3, 2015 09:00 pm Compassion: 29   

I am so sorry, dear self, for indulging in the hindrances of life - covering over your beautiful spirit - childlike playfulness, pure delight in nature, safety and ease in restfulness, comfort in companionship. Please forgive my lack of skill in living, in making wise choices for us, for abandoning us over and over again, and for allowing fear, loneliness and despair take over. For being so overwhelmed in our own concerns I have little left over for those around me, both near and far. Help me to meet my best self, to treasure my being each day, to give unselfishly from a place of plenty, and to trust in something greater than I may currently perceive. Please forgive me.

November 3, 2015 08:57 pm Compassion: 27   

To my daughters: I am sorry that I didn't know how to be a mother when I gave birth to you. I am sorry that I had doubts about bringing you into life when you were growing in my womb, causing you to doubt your right to be here. I am sorry that I was unable to stop myself from giving you the same wound of being unloved, that I received from my mother. I am sorry that I have not been able to forgive myself for these things, making it harder for you to forgive me. I pray each day that we can find our way forward to being close and connected. I love you, exactly as you are.

October 13, 2015 03:20 pm Compassion: 35   

I am so sorry, beloved self, that I have developed a dark and isolated side to my sexual practices which takes me to watching porn online. I am sorry that I treat myself this way and that the more exhaustion and despair I feel in my life, I seek out darker and more hurtful the practices to somehow fill the void in my being. I am so very sorry that I have been engaging in a cycle of suffering involving other beings (humans and animals) and I hope I may be forgiven. I am so very sorry those other worlds exist, that I have sought them out, and through my actions supported their existence. I hope I may heal this part of myself, recognize my despair and fatigue and move towards the light for my own sake and that of others. I am incredibly grateful for this site and for being able to begin to release the burden of shame around these choices - thank you!

October 8, 2015 07:23 pm Compassion: 30   

I am so so deeply sorry I hurt you or in any way victimized you or rejected your love. We both went into this and jumped in two feet and gave whatever we could. I did the best I could and let my wounds show, and you did too. I thought we were going to make it- I thought we could grow together and hold the light for one another, you got scared. I didnt do a good job giving you the space to figure out your place. I am sorry. Then you bailed on the growing relationship that we both had said was the best thing we had ever experienced. I am so deeply hurt by how you left, nonetheless, I want to apologize for any pain I created in your life. I put this all in GOd's hands and pray that we will both find peace. Im sorry. please forgive me, thank you I love you E.

October 8, 2015 07:20 pm Compassion: 34   

I am so sorry for shaming you and being so harsh. I feel how it must feel to have this with you and I do not want you to have shame, guilt or pain anymore. I know you may be gone now. May you be free and liberated from what happened. I understand that you were hurt by my reaction. The level of my reaction was in proportion to the depth of importance and meaning that this relationship was for me. I love and miss you terribly. Please be peaceful.

October 8, 2015 06:54 pm Compassion: 35   

i am from europe - from a german speaking country. therefore my english is worst. but my wish to make an apologize is bigger than my english deficy. so: i apologize my beloved friend that i have been a traitor and have written a few sentences in public that have hurted you. and i am sorry that i have said sentences to you that have also hurted you. now i miss you so much, i'm so hopeless and weary - my life without you and your friendship is so empty ... nowadays i know how important you have been for me and my life; you refused my apologizes, and i know that you are right in doing so; but i hope, this my apologize here will heal our souls and let cross our paths sometimes again in peace an love; please my dear, please forgive me

October 4, 2015 07:28 pm Compassion: 25   

Hi, a few days ago I came across this site and the apology page and made an apology from a mind which was very caught up and confused. I just wanted to come back today to express my thanks for being able to do that and for the compassion which I really feel I received. I have spent some time reading many of the other apologies here and it wasn't long before I really saw how we are all in this together, and felt my heart really opening to the other people who had written here and also to myself. I've also watched some of the couch talks and I really want to say thankyou to you both Stephen and Ondrea. You both have a really beautiful way of making the teachings or 'heart wisdom' so accessible and so personal. I think it's really an amazing gift. I also just want to say that many years ago Stephen's books 'Who Dies' and 'Meetings at the Edge' helped me through an incredibly difficult time. I have lost my way again over the last few years, struggling again with addiction and some difficult life circumstances but I'm really glad I've found again some of this wisdom to help put things in some perspective and really give me courage to move forward one moment at a time. That's it, I can't afford to become a member just now but I hope to buy Stephen's new book on Kwan Yin very soon. I want to send you both a lot of love and thanks and whatever else you might need as you go through your own difficult circumstances :-) (You don't need to post this if you don't want as it's not really an apology but I really just wanted to say thankyou and wish you well)

October 1, 2015 11:03 am Compassion: 29   

I spend my life energy, my integrity and my attention on apologizing to everyone for everything. I apologize for being in the way, for not being there, for taking up space, for anything that will beg for acceptance. And yet, the one who notices my existence, my goodness and who needs acknowledgment of the pain I have actually caused...has received my anger for having very little left to give to the one that matters. I am sorry that I have not been able to know you or heal the situation. I am sorry that I have not taken responsibility for what I have caused. I cannot let this one go and leave it broken. The rest of the lost relationships can go, but I cannot heal until I am able to mend this. Whatever the conditions may be, I want to apologize to the one that matters.

October 1, 2015 10:58 am Compassion: 28   

Thank you thank you for all your compassion and thank you Ondrea for all that you continue to give. I wrote recently about my horrible guilt in wanting to see my lifetime beloved, even though he is married. I saw him for a brief conversation and he has now reached the point where he is ready, after near death which I hepled him through, to be back peacefully and strongly in his marriage. Of course I must bear the loss of not seeing him but more deeply than that I am bowing in honour, respect and celebration of his happiness. And he has freed me of that horrible guilt. Thank you all for seeing me through that period with your love.