
October 1, 2012 12:48 pm Compassion: 64   

I'm sorry for my blind spots, or even blind continents, and I'm sorry for wearing blinders. I'm sorry for my impatience. I'm sorry for all the times I've been too rough and too tough when it would have been wiser to be gentle and open. I'm sorry for all the times I haven't been disciplined enough to avoid cynicism.

September 29, 2012 12:48 pm Compassion: 63   

I'm sorry Ondrea. I'm sorry Stephen.

September 28, 2012 10:43 am Compassion: 79   

I was beaten so much verbally and physically while growing up. This has made me both very sensitive to others and also cold and insulting. I have repeatedly hurt various friends feelings by losing patience, making comments and then haveto apologize, feel guilty, spend time in my mental rock tumbler of fear and angst. Sometimes alcohol is involved but also extreme allergies to all kinds of pollutants keep my brain riled up. There are no magic cures. I feel bad for myself and others. I never had apologies from those who beat me but I do understand the necessity of apology for my faults. So here's a blanket apology to those that I have injured. Please understand that I care.

September 24, 2012 12:51 pm Compassion: 79   

I apologize to the beggar on the street who obviously wanted to speak to me -after I gave him some money- that I did not react and went away full of childish fear. And I apologize to myself that in this very moment I did not see how precious and unique this situation could become. I?m very sad and sorry.

September 20, 2012 10:08 am Compassion: 85   

I so humbly apologize to all beings for whom I was not present, compassionate, and loving. I recognize the impossibility of this expectation and even to fylly "being there" for myself. However, more skillful means could have been used. Much love to all.

September 18, 2012 04:54 pm Compassion: 95   

I am sorry for being afraid of my nephew. I am sorry that I could not be a clearer channel of love and acceptance. I am really sorry that I could not deal with his addictions in a healthier way. I am very sorry to have projected patterns from my childhood onto him. I am also sorry to have been so unskillful in asking him to leave my home. I am stunned by the codependent 'love' I fell into in his presence.. I am sorry that I have tried to be more spiritual than I really am and I have acted in ways that were hurtful to him. I am really sorry for the ways I do not accept my limitations, and for the harsh part that takes over and condemns me for condemning him.

September 14, 2012 11:55 am Compassion: 111   

I am sorry for feeling as though I always need to apologise! The apologies and self forgiveness expressed here are genuine and transforming. This is a self forgiveness too for always feeling I have to justify myself, feeling sorry for existing, as though there is something wrong with my very existance. I do not so much want to say sorry, I wish to more forgive myself, and forgiving myself is accepting myself, and accepting myself is allowing all my human imperfections to simply be, and by accepting and loving this, I hope to uncover the kind, accepting, giving, loving and wise outlook that exists within me and all of us.

September 14, 2012 11:53 am Compassion: 106   

Dear Baby Fawn, I'm so sorry that your short life included so much pain. I'm sorry I couldn't help, ease your pain, take away your fear. I'm sorry that you didn't have food and clean water. I wish that I could have done something to save your sweet life. As I go into the depths of sadness and grief that I have for this experience, I want you to know that I honor your life. Sending love to all beings~

September 10, 2012 06:46 pm Compassion: 109   

I wish it was possible to go back in time & protect & comfort my younger self. I am sorry nobody else did. I am sorry to have forgiven. I am sorry I can't show my true hurt. I am sorry I can't express my disappointment in broken people in a broken world. It seems it would only add more hurt.

September 7, 2012 12:15 pm Compassion: 120   

Dear Dad, I'm sorry we didn't get to know one another better and I'm sorry I'm jealous of other people who knew my own dad so much better than I did. I'm proud when so many other people tell us the difference you made to their lives- you were a good, kind, funny man. You were always so quiet at home-I wish we'd spent more time together when you were well. We were too alike but I didn't realise until it was too late. You did your best for me and taught me everything you could about just being in the world. I thought I knew better than you, but I lost sight of what's really important. I didn't appreciate you because we drove one another crazy. I have new wellys - I wish I could show you-they are so crazy, you would just have shaken your head. I miss you so much.

September 6, 2012 02:02 pm Compassion: 118   

I am sorry for my continuing moodiness and erratic affect at over sixty years of age. I am sorry for how hard it is to just be present to my son and daughter and listen better. I persist in hearing their struggles as relating to me in some way, though I do know that cannot be true. Lately I am in great pain for not being able to do for my son and daughter what was done for me in the financial and material realm. I apologize to myself for feelings of failure in this, I apologize to my son and daughter and myself for belittling the true love I felt/feel for them every day because of this. I am sorry for allowing their material circumstances to obscure their beauty in my worried heart. I am sorry for dishonoring my pure mother love with these thoughts I know with my best self to be foolish. Love and gratitude to Ondrea.

September 5, 2012 05:43 pm Compassion: 117   

I am sorry for falling so often into a pitfall of frustration when I feel trapped or do not know how to move forward in my life because the obstacles seem impossible, and also for thinking I am a lesser person for becoming so stuck. I have made many suffer, including myself, because I am always forgetting this is part of the journey I am on, and without it I could never grow. I am sorry for everything I have done because of my frustration. I know those I have hurt have also felt frustrated before and I am grateful for their compassion and understanding, but I am sorry all the same for my actions. And I will try to not be hard on myself either, and remember that becoming confused and forgetting things is part of being a human in this world.

September 5, 2012 05:15 pm Compassion: 117   

I empathise totally with the previous writer. How curious that I am about to write something similar... I apologise to my "ex" for ending our relationship of more than five years. She never did anything wrong and I ended it so abruptly and inappropriately (by email). I hate to think of you being in pain but I had to be honest, hopefully for both our sakes. I will always cherish you and what we had and I hope that you will be able to forgive me one day so that we might become friends...

September 4, 2012 03:01 pm Compassion: 114   

I deeply apologize to myself for not always being sincere in my interaction with others because I feared their reactions and non acceptance. I am now aware of pretending only produces a corrosive effect on my inner being which negatively effects everyone I am close to. I have live many decades trying to be what others wanted instead of myself which cheated everyone including me. I can no longer watch myself pretend and I am so sorry for all the people I have mislead over my life due to this insincerity. I am presently in a conflict situation with a loved one because I no longer am willing to pretend for the sole purpose of keeping peace yet as my honest self is politely expressed with compassion it is causing much anger and it is so very difficult.

September 3, 2012 04:17 pm Compassion: 123   

I apologize to myself for all the self judgement and negativity. People close to me have caused me pain and I'm in a situation where I'm close to them and it's very hard for me. I apologize for the time I caused pain on them. I also apologize to myself for my self destructive behaviour and a mistake I made and those innocent who were effected. Please send compassion for my mental illness struggle as well. metta.

September 1, 2012 03:58 pm Compassion: 129   

many times i awoke in the morning in a bad mood instaed of beeing aware of the joy of life. i?m so very sorry for this and i will try to do better now.

August 29, 2012 02:00 pm Compassion: 136   

I would like to apologise to my soul and the soul of my unborn baby for all the hardship and despair I have been carrying us through for the last few months. For hardly ever being in the present moment and for being really selfish and not compassionate towards myself and the world. For seeing only the endings and not the beginnings. For fighting instead of accepting. Loving kindness to us all.

August 28, 2012 04:17 pm Compassion: 136   

I apologize to myself for limiting myself through self-condemnation and shame, especially for my "shy bowel" problem -- needing extra privacy -- and for that, labeling myself weird and a misfit. Let me lovingly let go of these limiting judgments and simply BE, despite a human quirk conditioned from childhood. I forgive my mother and grandmother, who were hurt themselves and doing their best.

August 27, 2012 05:17 pm Compassion: 158   

All bad things in my life happened when I did negate my suffering and tried to hide this.The good things happened when I assumed this suffering. I?m very, very sorry that this insight came so late.

August 27, 2012 05:12 pm Compassion: 180   

i want to say sorry to my young self for not feeling safe enough to seek help after being abducted and raped. this healing process, almost 20 years later, has been so difficult. i wish i had felt strong enough to tell my parents, the police, even a teacher. i want to hold that young Self and tell her she did nothing wrong, and that she is safe now, even through the panic attacks and flashbacks and nightmares. i'm so sorry for holding it all in when letting it out would've helped so much more.