
May 10, 2012 11:46 am Compassion: 64   

I want to say sorry to Pappa for not being good to him while he was alive. I am sorry I did not love you more. I am sorry I let you down so many times although you continued to love me right till the time you died. I wish Pappa forgives me and continues to love me from wherever he is right now.

May 7, 2012 09:59 am Compassion: 70   

To my darling departed Husband, whom I still love, I am sorry if I disapointed or hurt you in the end. After so many years of your abuse and mistreatment I still loved you and honoured you, and I know that you tried your best in the light of all the pain you had endured. I am sorry I did not understand more. I am sorry if I let you down. I am sorry I was so angry and allowed all the hurt and pain to confuse everything. I am sorry that I allowed you to break me down. I am sorry for so much. I wish we could do things over but we cant. I am sorry that I couldnt see my own pain and brokeness that allowed things to get so ugly in the end. I love you still but I am glad that we are no longer tied into a difficult and destructive situation.

May 6, 2012 01:40 pm Compassion: 68   

Many healing tools have appeared in my life over the last few months. Mindfulness teachings, teachers, dear friends and then Healing into Living and Dying. Diving into the healing waters of this book I felt my soul surface to my once abandoned life. With that soul surfacing and the meditations in this book of loving grace came the awareness that I have never loved or accepted myself. And for the first time cradling my heart in the loving arms of my awareness my heart broke with so much sorrow for the years - 51 - that were lived scratching in the wilderness for love to water the parched desert of my life. As the hot tears break out of my tender eyes, I want to apologise to my left eye, my right shoulder, my right knee, hip and shin and the tendon in my left foot for the accidents, carelessness and lack of attention that brought them to pain. I want to apologise to the pain for being impatient for it to go when all it asked of me was to see it and love it with the tenderness it needed and deserved. I apologise to myself for never loving and accepting myself and in so doing laying myself open to unskillful behaviours of others who took from my precious soul which was unconscious of its own value and worth living a human life on this beautiful planet. My heart aches now for the loss. I grieve the lost years and passions. I am so sorry darling Yasmin that I didn't care for you, truly and deeply enough to protect you. I showed you no mercy or kindness. Please forgive me. I am now here for you thanks to Stephen and Ondrea. One day soon we will visit them for a workshop. I am truly so sorry and I love you so much dear heart.

May 5, 2012 11:54 am Compassion: 66   

i take this opportunity to apologise to my spouse and family that i entered into another relation without being sure of myself, the other person and of our relation. i apologise to the spouse and family members of the other person as well if my confused emotions have hurt them in any way. i thought i could keep it all a secret, but for whatever reasons the universe thought it fit, i chose to be honest to my spouse, i apologize to him, for all the pain he is in die to this honesty. i apologise for my inability to break all terms with the other person. i apologise to the other person for failing to keep his confidentiality. i apologise to myself for all the strain... i surrender to the higher forces that this entanglement of emotions and relations be resolved in the best way possible.

May 2, 2012 01:25 pm Compassion: 42   


May 2, 2012 01:09 pm Compassion: 66   

My husband and children, how do you continually forgive and accept me after I have let you down so many times and continue to let you down even today? I hide myself away, a prisoner of depression, and do nothing to help move this family along in a positive direction. But there you all are, at the end of your working and school day with open arms for me. I cannot reach out in the way that I want to - so afraid that I will infect you with the fear and sadness that lives inside me. I will call a psychologist tomorrow and make an appointment. You have my word, although I cannot force that sentence out of my mouth for you to hear it. Perhaps after a few sessions I will be able to share my search for healing with each of you. Don't give up on me. I know that finding this webpage was no accident. I accept divine intervention. I apologize for not opening my heart sooner.

May 2, 2012 12:59 pm Compassion: 63   

I feel a sadness at the loss of closeness and care between us for these years we've worked together. Forgive me for those time where I have made you my project. As I leave this work and this relationship, I feel the pain of this loss more deeply and at times have disguised this pain as indifference. At times, I have hurt you with meanness and have tried to make you feel rejected through word and action. I apologize for hurting you out of my sense of separation from you. I ask forgiveness within myself for the many times I have rejected myself.

April 29, 2012 11:51 am Compassion: 67   

my dearest friend, I apologize that I did not listen to you and did not give you my heart when you most needed it. I was only judging you, I was so proud and did not realize how miserable you felt. You went away, thirty years ago, and never came back and today I miss you terribly, terribly and don't know if you live. Please accept my apologies, please forgive me for my selfishness, my being so blind, so haughty, so proud. These days I want so much to speak to you, to be together with you, I wish so much to hear your voice again. How is it possible that I was so cruel? Please forgive me. If I get the feeling that you can forgive me, maybe I can forgive myself.

April 21, 2012 10:46 am Compassion: 66   

My apologies 2 my family, even if I did my best our employees stole money...I should have realize it and I am feeling rather guilty

April 21, 2012 10:45 am Compassion: 78   

Dear Me, I apologize for putting you into emotionally painful situations, for not respecting & loving your beautiful body, for allowing others to abuse you and only take from you, for not connecting and seeing all of the amazing power & love within you. I apologize for veiling you - for covering your light up. I apologize for only assigning value to what you do for others - and not value for the divine creature that you innately are. I apologize for shaming and insulting you when you were so weary and could barely keep going. I will nurture you now. I will mother you, re-Parent you...and honour you. sincerely, Me

April 20, 2012 01:51 pm Compassion: 72   

I apologize to the co-workers I hurt recently through my inability to see clearly what needed to be done during the transitions in leadership. I am sorry for failing to do the right thing and allowing myself to be used inappropriately to act out the agendas of others.

April 17, 2012 02:04 pm Compassion: 88   

My sincere apology for the termination / abortion that resulted in sadness. I wanted you very much but wasn't supported and that scared me too much. I know you were a little girl baby and I know you were my love. I know you chose me for your mom and I wanted to be your mom. I was too scared to do it alone. I didn't thinki I could do it by myself. I had so much pain over the decision we made and I knew that you were meant to be here. I want you to know that you are with me and I am willing to mother you in spirit. I thank you choosing me and I apologize for not having the wisdom and maturity to understand life, let alone, really live life to the fullest. 26 years later ... I understand how sacred our union was and I honor and respect that more than ever. Namaste my little love !

April 15, 2012 05:51 pm Compassion: 79   

Our divorce is final in a few weeks. I am sorry we never healed our hurt and I'm sorry for the hurt I caused you. I am sorry I was so ill and acted abusively. I am sorry I was so promiscuous and betrayed our vows. I am sorry that we haven't gotten along in these 6 years of separation. I hope someday you will forgive me.

April 12, 2012 12:07 pm Compassion: 82   

I am sorry I didn't get to know you better. Just at the holidays we talked about getting together for a drink. We never did and now I have heard that you suddenly died.

April 11, 2012 12:49 pm Compassion: 77   

I am sitting here in the living room on the couch where you lay dying last weekend, Easter weekend, my birthday weekend. I don't even really know yet all that my heart knows except to tell you that I felt you this morning when I woke and I know what I have to do now, mom. This family is a mess with a wound as big as the world. I know you've counted on me to keep us together somehow. I am so sorry I couldn't acknowledge my commitment to this dying wish. In your dying I was facing all my pettiness and unworthiness and jealousies and judgements towards my siblings. My self hatred for these difficult thoughts was also there. And then my practice to be still and ALLOW came to comfort me along the way. I know that I have to heal my own dear heart and that is all. As I commit to this, your wish for the fighting to stop will be supported by my deep work towards healing myself. I love you so much, dear sweet mama. I am so sorry for instigating, contributing and reacting to the painful yelling that has taken place over the years.

April 3, 2012 01:49 pm Compassion: 74   

I'm sorry that I blamed you for my own troubles. I'm sorry that I act out periodically with such anger when all I want to do is work with you and dad to help empower Heather. I'm sorry that I don't know a more skillful way to communicate this. I'm sorry that I judged you for your own life choices and for the choices you have made for Heather.

April 2, 2012 11:51 am Compassion: 72   

I miss both of you terribly even years after your passing. We shared our alcoholism and journey in AA and all the healing that brought. But, the summer I came and stayed with you after getting sober still echoes in my heart with lost chances for love and connection. I didn't know how selfish the addiction had made me. I wasn't aware of my inability to look outside myself. I thought I was further in recovery than I was. I would like to have that summer back and have the heart I have today. I wish I had had enough peace in me to quietly enjoy our time together. I will always love and miss you.

March 26, 2012 04:26 pm Compassion: 80   

I'm sorry I didn't fully know myself for being gay when I married you. I love you and I'm sorry that I was emotionally abusive towards you for because I was so wrapped up in myself and in not coming to terms with being gay. I'm sorry for having cheated on my lovers. I'm sorry for having treated my body so disrespectfully.

March 22, 2012 05:54 pm Compassion: 82   

I want to say I'm sorry to my mum for judging her and not loving her the way i wanted her to love me. She has now passed away, died while we were apart and not on great terms, and I have mourned her loss more than I could have known.

March 21, 2012 01:31 pm Compassion: 77   

I am sorry for passing judgement instead of extending love.