
July 8, 2012 10:08 am Compassion: 81   

I am sorry for all the mean thoughts I have held against my family and I apologize to myself for being so harsh and judgemental towards me. Being so adamant to do the work of healing and releasing left me an emotional wreck, jobless and now in a self confidence crisis.I feel I have wasted 7 years of my life in self doubt and this causes endless worry and pressure to my family. I'm sorry

July 7, 2012 08:22 am Compassion: 84   

Dear me, I apologize for my fearful unwillingness to see you as you are. I apologize for wondering if you are truly worthy of love and respect. I apologize to all those beings who I have dragged, invited, convinced and unknowingly welcomed into sharing my suffering in ways that might have hurt you. Please forgive me for any trespasses I have committed against you in my own ignorant blindness. I recommit to trying again and again and again for love.

July 6, 2012 08:55 am Compassion: 83   

Dear Friend. I apologize to you that I cannot visit you every day as you enter this phase of your dying. I love you dearly and wish I could be there in all the ways you and your wife want me to, but I realize I cannot emotionally nor physically be there for you every day. Please accept my apology. I am doing my best and will continue to be there for you as much as I can. With much love and gratitude for your friendship.

July 4, 2012 01:16 pm Compassion: 83   

Dear Friend of my youth, I am so sorry I rejected you that day at KFC. I did not intend the hurt that I now know must have gone very deep. I apologize to you with my heart and soul.

July 4, 2012 01:05 pm Compassion: 82   

i apologize to the children of my ex-boyfriend for saying negative things about them to other people, and for holding anger against them instead of embracing them with love and light. I apologize to my ex husband for deceiving him and not being honest about my movement away from our marriage. I apologize to my son for leaving before he was able to be a full and functioning adult. I apologize to my ex boyfriend for not being the light that he so needed in his life and for shutting down in the relationship. i apologize to my mother for not protecting her from my father, and to my brother for not protecting him from our parents. i apologize to myself for not living in my highest power for too many years.

July 4, 2012 01:02 pm Compassion: 85   

I am so sorry my beautiful darling girlfriend, for harbouring feelings of superiority towards you for so many years. I thought just because I am interested in spiritual things, and you are not, that this meant I am "better" than you, and it was my job to "fix" you. I love you.

July 4, 2012 12:56 pm Compassion: 88   

Dear Lungs, I'm sorry for smoking.

July 2, 2012 03:30 pm Compassion: 83   

I apologise for having betrayed you in cold blood, out of cowardice, seflishness and fear. I apologise to you, in the hope that the awareness of my shame will help to transform it. I apologise.

June 27, 2012 07:41 pm Compassion: 91   

Hello and thank you for providing this space. My apology is this. I am sorry for holding my husband back from his dreams. I never had anyone to love me as he has so I held on too tightly. I can only hope that I can start to let him fulfill his dreams now. I am sorry for anything I did or did not do while raising my daughter. She is 10 now and is happy but Mom guilt is always there poking me and making me wonder if I have messed things up. I apologize to my family for not being able to care for them as much as I can. Past abuse makes it difficult to visit and connect but I am only doing myself harm by not opening my heart to them. I especially apologize to myself. I am a worrier. I agonize over the simplest decisions. I am sorry I have made fun of myself, belittled myself, overate to provide love, for not trusting myself and for giving up on myself. I am sorry to any one in the past that I ignored or put down. I realize now that by doing that I had been wrongly trying to boost my own confidence at their expense. I acknowledge all my mistakes. I accept them and learn from them. I am now pushing the past out to sea so it can sail away and maybe now my waters will calm.

June 26, 2012 11:53 pm Compassion: 80   

I apologize for reacting to my fathers manipulation today with harsh words and agression. I apologize for not checking myself

June 23, 2012 01:54 pm Compassion: 82   

I apologize to God and to Self for being a failure to both I owe no other apology in my eyes. With love.

June 14, 2012 11:46 am Compassion: 84   

Dear Andrea and and Steven If I were to find life I would want to live with as much light as you have or even not at all. YOur video is like the only grace I may have left. IPeople have their judgements. I apologize to those who watched. There is always letting go but people want me to have demons. I will always be who I am no matter what anyone says. The work I do on myself is important. "Why would you lie, why would you lie, would you betray your soul" God bless,

June 14, 2012 10:47 am Compassion: 85   

I apologize to my father. I apologize to those that watched. I apologize to those that heard. I apologize to those that were hurt. I apologize for asking for the thing that started all this. I apologize for not dealing with that when the time came. I apologize for the selfishness and the unconciousness. I apologize to myself for the mistakes, decisions and choices. I apologize to myself and God for being fearful

June 13, 2012 10:20 am Compassion: 97   

I had been drowning in an inky cold sea of depression since I was 11. It took me over thirty years to get to a place where I could breathe. During my Dark Days, I was in unbearable pain and I caused the same. I felt like I was watching life through 2" of hazy glass--everything was shadow-y & muffled. I apologize to the girl and young woman I was for not taking better care of you. When you were 18 & tried to overdose, I did not have the skills to find the help you so desperately needed. When I see pictures of you now, I see the searing pain in your eyes and feel weak with remorse for not rescuing you sooner. Please forgive me.

June 13, 2012 10:19 am Compassion: 81   

I apologize for giving myself a very hard time; for clinging to grief and anger, even while knowing it harmed me. I apologize for clinging to those illusions of security (material "possessions" and status) so long even though I was blessed with seeing how worthless they were. I apologize for being irritating (sometimes it was deliberate; sorry). I apologize for resentments. I want to be free of these things.

June 12, 2012 11:47 am Compassion: 93   

I apologize to God. I'm scared. And when I'm not I think I should be. I would prefer people left me alone.Please send me compassion. I apologize to myself. I aoplogize to myself. I apologize to myself I want to be in a place of forgiveness. Or alone.

June 10, 2012 05:49 pm Compassion: 91   

I apologize to myself for all the years I believed that I didn't deserve any better. I apologize for letting people who were not kind to me into my life and for keeping them around. And I apologize to them too for not standing my ground and letting them know how to treat people with love and compassion.

June 8, 2012 10:04 am Compassion: 90   

I am sorry that I cannot let go of people that don't love me. I apologize for ignoring those who do love me. I have rejected people in the same way that I have been rejected. I ask for forgiveness and offer my forgiveness daily for turning each other away at every chance there is to make it different. I ask that those who I love show me how to help heal these wounded relationships. Thank you.

June 8, 2012 10:04 am Compassion: 82   

I am sorry when I indulgently disregard all of the wonderful and soulful gifts that the universe has to offer when I occasionally allow myself a selfish tantrum in railing against the frustration of regular daily life.I am very lazy not to take these opportunities to work with commitment to achieve a higher vibration through a deeper and more important leap into the lessons of spirit. This would only serve to benefit me thus I apologize to my myself.

June 8, 2012 10:03 am Compassion: 80   

Sometimes I don't know who I would direct my apology too. I owe my life it seems. I apologize in advance to myself for any kamma that will prevent healing.